OMA Dinner Sept 14, 2017 Ticket

The dinner will take place before the OMA meeting on Thursday, Sept 14, 2017 in the Victoria Inn, Kensington Room,(Exhibitors in Regency Ballroom, Exhibitor Showcase from 5:30 – 7 pm, dinner at 7 pm followed by meeting at 8 pm). The opening reception (cash bar) and viewing of exhibits will start at 6 pm followed by dinner at 7 pm and the OMA meeting at 8 pm. A ticket for the dinner is not required for entry to the OMA meeting itself.

This event occurs at the same time as the Spouse/Guest Dinner happening at Bistro One.

Select one of the options below. No guests.

Menu TBA.

Early bird pricing in effect until September 8, 2017

Additional information

Ticket type

Non-member, TBMS Member